BART: Computational Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Figure: Simulated MRI images.
The Berkeley Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox (BART) toolbox is a free and open-source image-reconstruction
framework for
Computational Magnetic Resonance Imaging developed by the research groups of
Martin Uecker (Graz University of Technology),
Jon Tamir (UT Austin), and
Michael Lustig (UC Berkeley).
It consists of a programming library and a toolbox of command-line programs. The library provides common operations on multi-dimensional
arrays, Fourier and wavelet transforms, as well as generic implementations of iterative optimization algorithms.
The command-line tools provide direct access to basic operations on multi-dimensional arrays as well
as efficient implementations of many calibration and reconstruction algorithms for
parallel imaging and compressed sensing.
Please direct all questions or comments to the public mailing list:
mrirecon list (public)
(or contact the main author: uecker at tugraz.at)
Webinar and Workshop Materials with Examples
Please see our
tutorials page, which contains links to the
webinars, workshops and other materials.
Quick Example
Perform ESPIRiT calibration and image reconstruction with
l1-wavelet regularization:
$ bart ecalib kspace sensitivities
$ bart pics -l1 -r0.001 kspace sensitivities image_out
A python-based image viewer (bartview.py) which can read the
BART data format is included in the source repository.
An image viewer for Linux and Mac OS X can be found
You can try BART directly in your browser:
This work is supported by NIH Grant U24EB029240.