Windows Installation Instructions

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bart logo reconstructed from k-space

Figure: Simulated MRI images.

This tutorial is intended to walk through users who wish to install BART on Windows and use it with Matlab. The README always has the most up-to-date instructions.

These instructions were last tested with bart: version 0.9.00 (2023) DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10277939

Note: The software is intended for research use only and NOT FOR DIAGNOSTIC USE. It comes without any warranty (see LICENSE for details).


Install WSL 2 on Windows 10

Install required packages

Install BART in WSL

  • Install bart


  • Open ~/.bashrc and add these lines to the bottom


  • Close and reopen WSL (or source .bashrc to get changes from above). Soft link bart to the executable path

    sudo ln -s ${BART_TOOLBOX_PATH}/bart /usr/local/bin/bart

    Setup BART for Matlab use in native Windows

    • Now that bart is installed, copy the files from "bart/matlab" to somewhere on the local drive. You can also download the folder from Github.
    • In Matlab, add the folder to the Matlab path
    • You should now be able to run bart. Run the Matlab test to find out.

      >> test_bart TEST [Write cfl file] - running "writecfl(file, data)" >> Passed

      TEST [Read cfl file] - running "readcfl(file)" >> Passed

      TEST [Data consistency cfl file] >> Passed

      TEST [Wrapper (without parameter)] - running "bart" >> Passed

      TEST [Wrapper (method help)] - running "bart traj -h" >> Passed

      TEST [Wrapper (No input, no parameter)] - running "bart('phantom')" >> Passed

      TEST [Wrapper (No input, no parameter) - check output] >> Passed

      TEST [Wrapper (No input)] - running "bart('phantom -3')" >> Passed

      TEST [Wrapper (No input) - check output)] >> Passed

      TEST [Wrapper (One input, one parameter)] - running "bart('fft -u 3', varargin{1})" >> Passed

      TEST [Wrapper (One input, one parameter) - check output)] >> Passed